Marjory Gardner

Marjory is a freelance artist, illustrating mainly for children’s books. She currently lives in Melbourne.
Marjory was born in Malaysia and came to Australia with her family to begin high school. Her favourite subject was Art. It still is.
After studying Graphic Design at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology she worked at various design studios before deciding to go freelance, specialising in children’s illustration.
Marjory’s work has appeared in trade and educational publications within Australia and Internationally. She has also illustrated for magazines and designed a range of children’s greeting cards. She uses felt tipped pens, colour pencils, pen, brush and ink, and occasionally, collage.
Marjory loves to visit schools and libraries in the city or country to give presentations and workshops. Although most of her published work is for primary aged children, she is also often asked to present to VCE, secondary and Art and Design classes.
Marjory’s work appears in publications by Five Mile Press, Windy Hollow Books, UNICEF, Brolly Books, ABC Books, IP Kidz , Scholastic Australia and many more.
Frankie Goes to Kindergarten
Marlow Brown- Scientist in the Making
Tickety Tock
Riley's Rocket
Have a Go Henry
Grandma's Place
Grandpa's Place
Humpty Dumpty
Incey Wincey Spider
My Beach Jeep
My Jungle Jeep