Jesse Blackadder

Dr Jesse Blackadder has entertained audiences aged four to 94 in Australia and internationally with her tales of writing, researching, and unusual creatures. Passionate about becoming a vet from childhood, she ended up becoming an author instead and has written a series about friendships between humans and animals.
A fibreglass seeing eye dog sets sail for the frozen south in Stay: The Last Dog in Antarctica. A young rider tries to save a wild horse in danger in Paruku The Desert Brumby, and a city kid has to draw on all her courage to save a koala from a cyclone in Dexter the Courageous Koala. Jesse has researched all her books out in the field and her talks include dramatic audio visuals (an engaging format for schools). She is also an international award-winning author of historical and contemporary fiction for adult readers.
Each of the books has school curriculum relevance - especially Stay which relates to the Antarctic curriculum for primary schools.
Jesse is an ambassador for Room to Read