Gregg Dreise

Gregg Dreise

Gregg Dreise is the author and illustrator of Silly Birds, Kookoo Kookaburra and Mad Magpie. These stories are about teaching morals. Silly Birds is based on the saying, “It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys”. Kookoo Kookaburra is based on the saying, “Kindness is like a boomerang - if you throw it often, it comes back often. If you never take the chance to throw it, it never comes back”. Mad Magpie is based on the words of wisdom, “Stay calm like the surface of the water, yet strong like its current. And know that there is a song out there for you.”

A descendant of the Kamilaroi tribe, from south-west Queensland and north-west New South Wales. He was born and raised in St George, Queensland and moved to Noosa during high school. He is the youngest of eight in a family that loved sport, music and poetry (one of those families where everyone sings, and passes guitars around at get-togethers). Gregg’s mother (Lyla Dreise-Knox) has always inspired him to write. Her poetry has entertained the family (as well as the odd magazine and newspaper readers) for many decades.

Gregg is currently a teacher in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He has completed writing four more picture books waiting their turn for publishing; and is also working on a chapter book for upper primary. For Gregg, the most exciting part of writing, is going to schools and libraries with his didgeridoo and guitar, with the aim to educate an audience filled with smiles. He was very excited to take his books to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy this year. His book Silly Birds was on the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge year 1 to 3 booklist and was shortlisted and then won the 2015 Speech Pathology Australia - Book of the Year award.

Gregg has been an artist most of his life, following in the footsteps of many family members. His paintings have been sold all over the world. His recent international art award was for the last painting in the book Silly Birds.

at school


  • Gregg is engaging and entertaining whilst delivering such important messages to our students. We are always thrilled to invite him back to our school. Gregg's writing talents are always an inspiration to our students and his humour ensures a fun and informative incursion.

    Wooloowin State School - June, 2024

    Wooloowin State School - June, 2024
    Gregg Dreise
  • Gregg is an exceptional speaker who is highly engaging, relatable and inspiring. He connected so well with the audience, both young kindergarten students and adults alike. He managed his time extremely well and made sure each session started and finished on time to ensure group rotations went smoothly. Gregg shared cultural language, songs, dance and books to educate the audience about aboriginal culture, protocols and perspectives.

    Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre - June, 2024

    Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre - June, 2024
    Gregg Dreise
  • Gregg was amazing. He had our students captivated right throughout his presentation. He managed to fit so much into his hour as he shared his culture and stories with us.

    2024 Step into Stories Event Toowoomba - May, 2024

    2024 Step into Stories Event Toowoomba - May, 2024
    Gregg Dreise
  • The students were so excited and so engaged with Gregg and the information that he shared about his culture. We look forward to seeing him again soon.

    St. Paul's School - May, 2024

    St. Paul's School - May, 2024
    Gregg Dreise
  • Gregg was an extremely engaging, entertaining and informative presenter. He adjusted the sessions to tie in with the age and units of study the students were experiencing and wove a tapestry of personal and cultural narrative though-out each session. The feedback from students and teachers has been overwhelmingly positive.

    Tamborine Mountain State School - May, 2024

    Tamborine Mountain State School - May, 2024
    Gregg Dreise


Speaker type

  • Author
  • Illustrator / Designer
  • Poet
  • Storyteller / Performer
Gregg Dreise