Cori Brooke

Cori Brooke is a CBCA shortlisted picture book author (All I Want for Christmas is Rain, 2017 CBCA shortlist) and has had four books published. Her debut picture book was Max & George(Penguin 2013, illustrated by Sue deGennaro). Max & George is a beautiful book which explores concepts around friendship, imaginary friends and starting school.
Cori’s second book Fearless with Dad (New Frontier Publishing 2015, Giuseppe Poli) is a lovable celebration of the endless possibilities and adventures children have with their dads. Cori’s third book was the CBCA shortlisted All I Want for Christmas is Rain (New Frontier Publishing 2016, Megan Forward), which, as the title suggests is a book which explores the topical concept of the drought and the deeper meaning of Christmas. With stunning illustrations, a heartfelt message and rhyming verse, All I Want for Christmas is Rain is a wonderful book for kids of all ages.
Twelve Days of Kindness (New Frontier Publishing 2019, Fiona Burrows) is Cori’s fourth book and will inspire children to practice kindness. Concepts of bullying, kindness, inclusion and collaboration/teamwork.
Watch 12 Days of Kindness read by Duchess Sarah Ferguson:
Cori's Latest book The Best You Can Be (Five Mile 2022, Sinead Hanely) encourages children to celebrate their natural abilities and talents, and to persist with the things they find more difficult. To not give up builds resilience. To try is to improve. Doing your best is how you can be the best you can be.
Cori’s school visits can be tailored to the age of the classes. Cori shares many interesting artefacts that she has collected and kept through her journey of being a published author. Story Cubes and lots of silly hats often feature in Cori’s school visits. Translated books are also shared, highlighting the global village we live in. Not afraid of public speaking, Cori also welcomes bookings for occasions outside of the school setting.
Cori has a double degree in Law and Creative Industries (Media and Communication) from the Queensland University of Technology, which says a lot about her personality. She has a very analytical side and a very creative side. She also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (also from QUT) and was admitted as a lawyer in 2009. She currently works for the Federal Government full time but can always make time for speaking engagements!
Cori is originally from Canada and now lives in Brisbane with her husband, son, dog and cat. Cori loves reading, cooking, camping and of course writing.
Cori Brooke was invited to speak to our Prep to year 3 students, as a part of our Book Week 2020 celebrations. She captivated them with her stories, funny props and entertaining anecdotes. She explained her personal writing process very well and it was very inspiring for students to see her notebook. Our students were full of questions and wonderment at meeting her as an author and I can report that they were thoroughly entertained for each of the 45 minute sessions. It was a very successful day and we thank Cori for sharing her enthusiasm for writing to our students.
Kurwongbah State School - October 2020Cori was a hit amongst our boys. The boys loved listening to her read her books and talk to them about some of her favourite books. As a school, we were lucky enough to have Cori for three days and she visited all classes from Prep to Year 3. One of the activities that Cori did with our boys was to write a continuing story. At each classroom she visited, she added to the story. We are planning to read this story on assembly to the whole school. Also, before leaving our school Cori gifted us a copy of her new book, ‘Twelve Days of Kindness’. It is one of the go-to books at lunchtime, where I will often see two or more boys sitting together and reading and discussing the book. We hope to have Cori come back to our school in the near future.
Toowoomba Grammar School - August, 2019Cori Brooke came to our school as our Book Week visiting author. She spent time with our Prep to Year 3 classes, and without exception they were all entertained thoroughly for each 45 minute session. Cori has a wonderful ability to engage the students - she speaks at their level, is very friendly and open, and through her use of both her books and props manages to keep large groups of young minds occupied for the allocated time. Cori was happy to answer questions and in general was a very satisfactory contributor to our Book Week celebrations.
Wynnum State School - August 2018
The Best You Can Be
This Girl Can!
This Boy Can!
Twelve Days of Kindness
All I want for Christmas is Rain
Max and George
Fearless With Dad