Bronwyn Lea

Bronwyn Lea is an award-winning poet, editor, and academic.
She is the author of Flight Animals (UQP, 2001), which won a number of prizes: the 2001 Wesley Michel Wright Prize and the 2002 Fellowship of Australian Writers Anne Elder Award; it was also shortlisted for the 2002 NSW Premier's Kenneth Slessor Poetry Prize; the Judith Wright Calanthe Poetry Prize; the South Australian Premier's John Bray Poetry Prize; the Colin Roderick Award; and received Special Mention in the 2001 CACS National Cultural Awards.
Her most recent collection of poems, The Other Way Out (Giramondo, 2008), won the 2008 Western Australia Premier's Book Award for Poetry and the 2010 South Australian Premier's John Bray Poetry Prize; it was also shortlisted for the Victorian Premier's CJ Dennis Poetry Prize and the Arts Queensland Judith Wright Calanthe Poetry Prize.
Bronwyn was Poetry Editor at the University of Queensland Press from 2003-09 and founder and series editor, with Martin Duwell, of The Best Australian Poetry anthology. She teaches Poetics and Contemporary Literature at the School of English, Media Studies, and Art History at the University of Queensland.
The Best Australian Poetry 2009
The Best Australian Poetry 2008
Flight Animals
Speaker type
- Poet